Stand Up For Myself!!!


stand up for myself
"the soup is made of leftovers!"
"the soybean milk tastes like water!"
complaints about our dining hall are heard everyday.sadly,most of us accustomed to eating coarse food and suffering from poor service always do nothing more than complaining.
yesterday,I ordered brasized beef with carrot in the dining hall as my lunch.But you know what? All I can find in my dish are carrot,onion,and peppers!!!a university could be ruined by ahorrible dining hall really!!I wondered where the subsidies and endowments offered by government to improve living standard of college students have
theoretically,the marriage of an old seat of learning with famous dining industry might be expected to produce some interesting children. It might have been thought that the culture of the university would radiate out and transform the
atmosphere of the dining hall.That this has not happened may be the fault of the university.However, students and faculty members need to ask themselves why choose to tolerate terrible food and service instead of standing up for themselves.
I understand that everybody's business is nobody's business.people are always waiting for someone else to take care of it.So, at least,it seems to me,it contributes a lot to the bad situatin.
I decided to complain to the waiter and asked for another dish,not only for myself,but also on behalf of others.Althogh the man seemed very reluctant ,he did what I asked.It may not be as difficult as we thought to make a difference.

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